Saturday 28 March 2015

National Young Leaders Conference

At the beginning of March the first semester prefects attended the National Young Leaders Conference at the Perth Convention Exhibition Centre.  During the day we were treated to a number of interesting speakers including Andy Griffiths.  As you can see we travelled down by train.

Friday 27 March 2015

Assembly next week

Room 17 and Room 6 will be hosting next week's all school assembly on Wednesday 1st April at 9am.  The theme of our assembly is friendship.  We hope that you are able to take time from your busy lives to attend.  As an extra incentive there will be a special door prize for 1 lucky winner.

Thursday 26 March 2015

Welcome to Room 17's blog

Room 17 now has a blog!  Visit here to find out what the students of Room 17 have been doing and learning.